
Showing posts from April, 2017

Most Important GK questions and Answers For UPSC Exam

 1:- What was the Sher Shah’s real name? Answer:-   Farid.  2:- Which battle was fought in 1192 A.D.? Answer:-  Second Battle of Tarain.  3:- During whose reign did the Mongols first invade india? Answer:-  Iltutmish.  4:- Which States of the U.S.A are attached to Mexico? Answer:-  California and Texas.  5:- Under which reign did Mughal Empire extend up to Tamil territory in the South? Answer:-  Aurangzeb.  6:- Which was the last governor of Bengal appointed by the Mughal emperor? Answer:-  Murshid Quli Khan.  7:- The second largest river basin in India is of which river? Answer:-  Godavari.  8:- Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS? Answer:-  Surendranath Banerjee.  9:- Who was the earliest Sufi Saint to have settled at Ajmer? Answer:-  Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti.  10:- When did India join the UN? Answer:-  1945.  11:- At the time of Revolt of 1857, who was the British PM? Answer:-  Pamstern.  12:- Who were considered constitutionalist with

Important General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1. To which age the Indus Valley Civilization belongs? –  Neolithic age  2. In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered four moons of which planet?  – Jupiter  3. Which was adopted from the Maurya dynasty in the emblem of Government of India?  – Four lions  4. By which ministry is Economic survey published?  – Ministry of Finance  5. Which remains constant while throwing a ball upward? –  Acceleration  6. Where did India first win the Olympic Hockey gold?  – Amsterdam  7. Where is Indian Institute of Petroleum located? –  Dehradun  8. Who is the ‘author of the book ‘A Brief History of Time’?  – Stephen Hawking  9. Who was the first ‘Indian to swim across English Channel?  – Mihir Sen   11. Which state ranks first in milk procurement in India?  – Gujarat  12. What is the mean of Epigraphy? –  The study of inscriptions  13. How many States of the U.S.A. are not attached to its mainland? –  Two  14. Which is nuclear-capable submarine-launched ballistic missile? –  Sagarika  15.

World History Timeline for UPSC Exam ( 1800–1899 (A.D.) World History )

1800–1899  (A.D.)  World History 1800 Napoleon conquers Italy, firmly establishes himself as First Consul in France. In the U.S., federal government moves to Washington, D.C. Robert Owen's social reforms in England. William Herschel discovers infrared rays. Alessandro Volta produces electricity. 1801 Austria makes temporary peace with France. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland established with one monarch and one parliament; Catholics excluded from voting. 1803 U.S. negotiates Louisiana Purchase from France: for $15 million, U.S. doubles its domain, increasing its territory by 827,000 sq mi (2,144,500 sq km), from Mississippi River to Rockies and from Gulf of Mexico to British North America. 1804 Haiti declares independence from France; first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule. Napoleon transforms the Consulate of France into an empire, proclaims himself emperor of France, systematizes French law under  Code Napoleon.  In the

World History Timeline for UPSC Exam ( 1000–1899 (A.D.) World History )

1000–1099  (A.D.)  World History c. 1000–1300 Classic Pueblo period of Anasazi culture; cliff dwellings. c. 1000 Hungary and Scandinavia converted to Christianity. Viking raider Leif Eriksson discovers North America, calls it Vinland.  Beowulf,  Old English epic. c. 1008 Murasaki Shikibu finishes  The Tale of Genji,  the world's first novel. 1009 Muslims destroy Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. 1013 Danes control England. Canute takes throne  (1016),  conquers Norway  (1028),  dies  (1035);  kingdom divided among his sons: Harold Harefoot (England), Sweden (Norway), Hardecanute (Denmark). 1040 Macbeth murders Duncan, king of Scotland. 1053 Robert Guiscard, Norman invader, establishes kingdom in Italy, conquers Sicily  (1072). 1054 Final separation between Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman) churches. 1055 Seljuk Turks, Asian nomads, move west, capture Baghdad, Armenia  (1064),  Syria, and Palestine  (1075). 1066 William of Normandy invades England,