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Geography Prelims Notes PDF File ( Agriculture part 2 )

Indian Agriculture  Download PDF Files,

Articles Of Indian Constitution

Indian Constitution : The  Constitution of India  is the supreme law of  India .  It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights,  directive principles  and the duties of citizens. It is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world.  The nation is governed by it.  B. R. Ambedkar  is regarded as its chief architect. Articles Of Indian Constitution  PART 1: THE UNION AND ITS TERRITORY Article 1 - Name and Territory of the Union Article 2 – admission or establishment of new States Article 3 – Alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing states Article 4 – Provide amendment of 1st and 4th Schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters PART 2: CITIZENSHIP Article 5 – citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution          Article 6 – Rights of certain persons who have migrated

Geography Prelims Notes PDF File ( agriculture part 1 )

Agriculture:                            Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry and fisheries accounted for 13.7% of the GDP (gross domestic product) in 2013, about 50% of the workforce. The economic contribution of  agriculture  to  India's  GDP is steadily declining with the country's broad-based economic growth. Download PDF File,

Geography Prelims Notes PDF Files (Energy Resources )

Energy Resources:                                                    Energy Resources  are the opportunities an area offers to generate electricity based on its natural conditions and circumstances. Some of these energy resources are obvious; an area might contain coal, oil, wood, or gas. But others, like renewable resources such as wind , solar, hydroelectric, and wave power are not so obvious—they're based on the natural weather patterns and features of an area.  Download PDF File,

Geography Prelims Notes PDF Files ( Resources )

Resources :                               A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. Download PDF File,

Geography Prelims Notes PDF Files ( soil )

Soils: The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles. Download PDF Files,

Geography Prelims Notes, PDF Files ( climate )

CLIMATE: The  climate  of  India   comprises a wide range of weather conditions across a vast geographic scale and varied topography, making generalizations difficult. Based on the  Köppen system ,  India  hosts six major climatic subtypes, ranging from arid desert in the west, alpine tundra and glaciers in the north, and humid tropical regions supporting rain forests in the southwest and the island territories. Many regions have starkly different  microclimates . The nation has four seasons: winter (December, January, and February), summer (March, April, and May), a  monsoon rainy  season (June to September), and a post-monsoon period (October to November). Download PDF File,

Geography Prelims Notes PDF Files

Drainage: Download PDF File,

Important Topic For UPSC Prelims ( history )

Government Of India Acts 1909, 1919, 1935 and 1947. Indian Councils Act of 1909 This Act is also known as the Morley- Minto Reforms. Direct elections to legislative councils; first attempt at introducing a representative and popular element. It changed the name of the Central Legislative Council to the Imperial Legislative Council. The member of Central Legislative Council was increased to 60 from 16. Introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of ‘separate electorate’. Indians for the first time in Viceroys executive council . (Satyendra Prasad Sinha, as the law member) Government of India Act of 1919 This Act is also known as the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms. The Central subjects were demarcated and separated from those of the Provincial subjects. The scheme of dual governance, ‘Dyarchy’, was introduced in the Provincial subjects. Under dyarchy system, the provincial subjects were divided into two parts – transferred and res

Important Topic for UPSC Prelims ( History )

Buddhism and Jainism Buddhism and Jainism  are the two branches of the Indian  śramaṇa   ascetic  tradition that developed in  Magadha  that still exist today.  Mahavira  and  Gautama Buddha  were probably contemporaries (circa 5th century BCE).  Jainism and Buddhism share many features, including much of the same terminology and ethical principles such as nonviolence. Jainism and Buddhism also agree that it is possible to attain liberation from the cycle of births and deaths ( samsara ) through spiritual and ethical disciplines. History Buddhism separates itself from the Jain tradition by teaching an alternative to Jain asceticism. Buddhist scriptures record that during Prince Siddhartha's ascetic life (before attaining enlightenment) he undertook many fasts, penances, and austerities, the descriptions of which are elsewhere found only in the Jain tradition. In  Majjhima Nikaya , Buddha shares his experience Thus far, Sariputta, did I go in my penance? I went wi

Upsc Prelims Important Topic ( history )

Significant viceroys & their period with important decisions  Governor Generals of Bengal Warren Hastings (1772-1785) First Governor General of Bengal Brought the Dual Government of Bengal to an end by the Regulating Act, 1773. Deprived Zamindars of their judicial power and Civil and Criminal court were established. Maintenance of records was made compulsory. A great patron of oriental learning founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal with William Jones in 1784. He wrote an introduction to the English translation of ‘The Gita’ by Charles Wilkins. Impeachment proceedings started against him when he returned on the charges of taking the bridge. After a trial of 7 years, he was finally acquitted. Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793) Did the Permanent Settlement of Bengal (also called Zamindary System) First person to codify laws. The code separated the revenue administration from the administration of Justice. Police Reforms: Each district was divided into 400 sq. miles