Important GK Questions & answers

Que (1) The Government of India has decided to declare river as ‘National River’?
Ans: - Ganga.
Que (2) The battle of Mahabharata is believed to have been fought at Kurukshetra for how many days?
Ans:- 18 days.

Que (3) In ancient India, at where was the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom?
Ans: - Rajgir.

Que (4) By the time of which ruler was Gautama Buddha elevated to the position of God?
Ans:- Kanishka.

Que (5) Who was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great?
Ans: - Chandragupt Maurya.
Que (6) Which was the monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism?
Ans: - Upa Gupta.

Que (7) Timur, the Lame invaded India during the reign of which ruler?
Ans: - Mohammad Shah Tughlaq.
Que (8) Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC?
Ans: - Vaishali.

Que (9) By which ruler was Pataliputra chosen for the first time as a capital?
Ans: - Udayin.
Que (10) By whom was the first republic in the world established in Vaishali?
Ans: - Lichhavi.

Que (11) Between which was the ancient town of Takshasila located?
Ans: - Indus and Jhelum.
Que (12) Where did Lord Buddha breathe hist last (Mahaparinirvan)?
Ans: - Kushinagar.

Que (13) Which historical personality of India is also known as Vishnugupta?
Ans: - Chanakya.
Que (14) Which was the most famous educational centre during the period of Mauryan age?
Ans: - Taxila.

Que (15) Who taught the doctrine of Shunyata (Shunyavad)?
Ans: - Nagarjuna.
Que (16) At which university did Chinese traveller Hiuen-Tsang studied?
Ans: - Nalanda University.

Que (17) The religious literature of the Jains at the early stage was written in which language?
Ans: - Ardhamagadhi.
Que (18) In which state was the Nalanda University located in India?
Ans: - Bihar.

Que (19) The people of the Indus Valley Civilisation usually built their houses of which thing?
Ans: Civilisation- pucca bricks.
Que (20) Civilisation site gives evidence of a dockyard?
Ans: - Lothal.

Que (21) Lothal is a site where dockyard of which of the following civilization were found?
Ans:- Indus Valley.
Que (22) Panini, the first Grammarian of Sanskrit language in India, lived during which century?
Ans:- 6th-5th Century BC.

Que (23) Which is the God who is the most prominent in ‘Rigaveda’?
Ans: - Sanskrit Indra.
Que (24) In which language was the ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ originally written?
Ans;  Sanskrit.

Que (25) Who was the first European to designate Aryan as a race?
Ans:- Max Muller.


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