Ancient History of India Indus Valley Civilization

Indus valley Civilization :

Pre History Era: 

Paleolithic Age (35000-9000 BC): Hunters, gatherers, weather variations were high, no metal, no pottery, no fire, totally dependent on nature. Site example of this era: Bhimbetka (located in Bhopal) and more than 500 cave paintings are there of Paleolithic era.
Mesolithic Age (9000-4000 BC): There were also the Hunters, gatherers but started something called as domestication of animal, fire invention, Microlith age (small, pointed, sharp stone tools), bow and arrow, they started fishing also. Site examples of this era: 1. Bagor(located in Bhilwara, Rajasthan), 2. Damgarh (located in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh).
Neolithic Age (4000-2500 BC): Agriculture, pottery, less dependence on nature, developed villages (community) and started living in mud houses.
Site examples of this age:
  • Mehrgarh (located in Balochistan) they developed here mud brick houses, granaries, tools from local copper ore, bitumen, cultivated barley, einkorn and emmer wheat, jujubes and dates, and herded sheep, goat and cattle, crafts, including flint knapping, tanning, bead production, metal working, "Earliest known centre of agriculture in South Asia".
  • Koldihava (near Allahabad): Earliest evidence of Rice.
  • Chopani Mando (near Allahabad): Earliest evidence of Pottery.
  • Burzahom and Gufkaral (near Srinagar (J&K): Pit dwelling, domestic dogs buried along with masters, barley and lentil, Belief in afterlife.
Chalcolithic (Chalco-Copper) Age: Lithic-Stone, and various civilizations are there in copper age like Jorwe in Maharashtra, Malwa near Madhya Pradesh, Ahar in Rajasthan and IVC. Painted pottery (specially characterized by Black on Red ware), Cultivation of seasonal crops (Kharif and Rabi), Bronze (copper + tin), still no Iron yet discovered, Religious Belief, fortified settlements.
Site examples of this age:
  • Inamgaon (located in Pune): Fortification + Moat (Deep defensive ditch).
  • Daimabad (near Nasik): Evidence of four bronze objects (Elephant, tiger, rhino and chariot).

Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) : Harappan

Indus: River, Harappa: First site (2600-1900 BC), It was discovered in In 1856 while railway line putting between Lahore and Karachi and Harappa ruins excavated to meet demand of bricks. Other important sites:
  • Harappa (near Ravi river in Pakistan): Three things which were found here are Copper chariot, trade evidences and H&R 37 cemetery (burials of dead bodies).
  • Mohenjodaro (located in Sindh, Pakistan): Literally meaning "Mound of dead" because various skulls were found here when excavation was done, It was famous for 3G's i.e.:  Great Bath, Great Granary, Girl (bronze statue of a dancing girl).
  • Lothal (in Gujarat): Famous for Dockyard, rice, chess like games, trade with Mesopotamia and Persia.
  • Chanhudaro (near Indus River): Evidences of lipstick (cosmetics involvement).
  • Kalibangan (located at the bank of river Ghagar, Rajasthan): Found wooden furrow and fire altars (sacrifice was prevalent).
  • Surkotda (in Gujarat): It shows horse and chariots but they were inferior quality horses, (superior quality horse were present with Arabs and Aryans).
  • Ropar (Punjab): It is like Burzahom (Gujarat), rice husk.

Characteristics of Indus Valley Civilization

  • Urban Civilization (increased population of human beings.
  • Town Planning
  • Internal and External trade (specially with Mesopotamia, Egypt and Persia).
  • Religious Practices
  • Division of Labour
Upper town (High platform): Citadel, Fortified wall to protect from flood and outsiders for Priest and Administrative officers only.
Lower town: For merchants, craftsmen, artisans.
Bricks: mud bricks, burnt bricks, decorated bricks were found only from Kalibangan, no plastering of wall, excellent drainage system.
Great bath: Made up with good quality bricks and used only in ceremonial occasions.
Great granary: For the storage of grains.
Knew most metals except Iron, Silver makes it earliest appearance in IVC. Pony tail on Bronze dancing girl statue from Mohenjodaro, knew all kind of Cosmetics and face paints, ornaments, gold bracelets, music, dance, dice (found in Harappa), so probably gambling , Chess like games and Chariot race. Wheat, Barley, Cotton was called Sindon by Greeks because Indus people were first one to cultivate it, especially at Lothal and Surkotda. Weights made up of stones (they were in multiple of 16, 32 etc.).
Religion: Male and Female both gods are there in this period. Mother Goddes (Fertility), Pashupati Shiva (Mythical, 3 horned hear) sitting in posture of Yogi surrounded by animals Rhino, tiger, deer, buffalo, elephant, Pipal trees, Pigeon, Swastik symbol (The symbol for the first time was found in IVC).
Disposal of the dead: They had complete burial system. Post cremation burial, Fractional burial (animal and birds allowed to eat as much, then bury), Body kept in North-South orientation. Script is Boustrophedon (left to right and then right to left and spiral goes on).

Theories of Decline

Wheeler: Aryan invasion (It was completely rejected, please do not come up with this theory).
Major Factors: Climate change, weakening of Monsoon, emigration to better parts, weakening of trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia, drought and floods. So these five-six reasons combined over the reason of decline of Indus Valley Civilization. Decline does not mean complete vanish, urban life of India never vanished it just TRANSFORMED.


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