Ancient History of India

Sources of Indian History 

  • Literary
    • Religious (Vedic, Buddhism, Jainism, Sangam)
    • No-religious (Social, Political, Economic etc.)
  • Archaeological (Inscription/ Epigraphy, Numismatics/Coins, Monuments)
  • Foreigner Details (Greek, Chinese, Arab travellers)


  • Vedas Vidi- to know, Shruti- to hear, verbal transmission,
    • Rig Vedas (1500-1000 BC): Prayers, Upveda: Ayurveda, to mandals/chapters/sections
    • Later Vedic age (1000-600 BC):
      • Samveda: Saman menas melody, collection of melodies and tunes, MUSDA SAGA, Music and Dance Samaveda, Upveda: Gandharveda, hymns dedicated to Soma, Indra, Agni
      • Yajurveda: Rituals for performing sacrifices TIYAJ, Upveda: Dhanurveda i.e. archery
      • Atharvaveda: Magical charms and spells toward of evil.Upveda: Shilpveda architecture MATH


Part of Vedas:
  • Shiksha: Phonetics
  • Kalpa: Rituals
  • Vayakarna: Grammar
  • Jyotisha: Astrology
  • Nirukta: Etymology
  • Chhanda: Prosody
Aranyak: Forest books, by and for hermits, students, spending time in relative isolation in jungle etc., opposed sacrifices and rituals, stress on moral virtues.
Upanishads: Upnish - to sit down near guru, selected students, to learn, all main isad of schools of Hindu philosophy, 108, Satyameva Jayate - Mundakopnishad, dialogue between Yama and Nachiketa- Kadopnishad.
Puranas: Ancient explanations, Gupta period, systematic record of Indian historical traditions, 18 Puranas, oldest Mastsyapurana, Satvahan period

Buddhist Literature

  • Jatakas: Story of previous birth of Gautam Buddha.
  • Pitakas: Pali term meaning basket.
    • Vinay Pitaka: Code of conduct followed by Buddhist monks.
    • Sutta Pitaka: Religious ideas of Gautam Buddha, Anand (disciple) compiled it.
    • Abhidhamma Pitaka: Philosophical ideas of Gautam Buddha, Ashoka the Great important contributions.
  • Milanda Panho: Menander, an Indo-Greek ruler, conversing with and questioning Nagasena, a Buddhist monk.
  • Angutar Nikaya: Contain information on 16 Mahajanpads.

Jain Literature

  • Language: Prakrit
  • Kalpa Sutra: Initial history of Jains
  • 24 Tirthankaras: First Rishab Dev, 24th Mahavir.
  • Nayadhamma Kaka: Doctrines of Mahavir.
  • Acharanga Sutra: Code of conducts followed by Jains.

Sangam Literature

  • Language: Tamil
  • Silappadikaram (The jewelled anklet): Written by Ilango Adigal, Kovalan, Madhvi (court dancer), Kannagi (Patni pooja) of wife worshipping.
  • Manimegalai: Written by Satan, Daughter of Madhavi and Kovalan, after Kovelan death, Madhavi converted to Buddhism, most balanced books of music, poetry and drama, religious theme.
  • Tolkāppiyam: Written by Tolkāppiyar, social and religious conditions, best book on Tamil Grammar.


  • Study of Inscriptions
  • Oldest: Harappa not yet deciphered
  • Oldest deciphered: Ashokan inscriptions 1837 by James Prinsep, Civil servant in East India Company.
  • Territorial extent, developments, achievements of ruler.
  • Mehrauli pillar: Chandragupta II, Qutub Complex, rust free till date.


  • Study of Coins, depicts faces of rulers, trees, gods, animals socio-economic importance.
  • Harappa and Tig vedic age (No currency, barter, exchange of goods, double coincidence of wants)
  • Later Vedic age (1000-600 BC): Nishka gold coin
  • Mauryan Empire (4th Century BC): Punch marked coins called Pana/Karshapana (mix of Silver and Copper)
  • Rupya: Started by  Sher Shah Suri in 1540s.


  • Social and religious life, sage of development in field of architectures.
  • Two important monuments outside India are:
  • Angkor Wat: in Cambodia, Hindu, then subsequently a Buddhist the largest religious monument in the world, made by Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century, dedicated to Vishnu not Shiva.
  • Borobudur Stupa of Java: dedicated to Mahayana Buddhism

Foreigners' Account

  • Greek
    • Herodotus (Historical),
    • Aristobulus and Onesicritus (326 BC, Alexender the Great),
    • Megasthenese (14 years in India, Indica, CGM), Daimachus (Syrian, came in Bindusara court), Dionysis (Ashoka), Pliny wrote Naturalis bistorica- trade relationship between Roman empire and India, Ist century AD), Ptlemy (Geography-Indian soil, birds, territories), Periplus of the Erythraean Sea 80-115 AD, Anonymous, Best book.
  • Chinese travellers
    • Faxian: Fo-kuo-ki (Records of Buddhist kingdom), Chandragupta-II (social life of Gupta period).
    • Xuanzang / Hsuan-Tsang: Wrote Si-yu-ki, Price of Pilgrims, 16 years stay in India, Harshvardhan, Nalanda university.
  • Arab travellers
  • Al-Biruni: from Khiva (Uzbekistan), wrote Kitab-ul-Hind, Taharik-i-Hind, came in 1017 (Mahmud of Ghazni), interpreter and great scholar of Indian science, Maths, astronomy, Arabic and Sanskrit, influenced by Bhagavad Gita, according to his statements 'Indians are geniuses but arrogant, because they do not share knowledge, historians do not write in chronological order.


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